This operation is intended to support the Government of Iraq (GoI) in meeting the dual challenge of reconstructing and restoring services to liberated municipal areas while laying the foundations for longer-term development. Given the emergency nature of the project, it is designed to implement rapidly, especially during Year 1 of the project.
The main project components are Restoring Electricity Infrastructure and Connectivity, Restoring Municipal Waste, Water and Sanitation Services, and Restoring Transport Infrastructure in recently liberated areas in Salah El Din and Diyala Governorates.
Given security conditions in those areas, and in order to mitigate the current security constraints in Iraq, the World Bank contracted the services of id:rc to act as a Third Party Monitoring Agent (TPMA). The work of the id:rc as a TPMA includes site inspection visits and reports covering desk review, Technical implementation, Social and Environmental safeguard issues for the on-going WB-IBRD’s supported project in Iraq. This activity will run through October 2017.